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Binental / Binenthal, Zofia Seweryna / Sora Ester
krawcowa / taylor
b: 1868 or 1870 Góry Mokre, Przedbórz, Radomsko County, Łódź Voivodeship, POLAND
d: abt. 1913
oo Vilnius, LITHUANIA Czarnecki, Antoni Stanisław
Lived at Śliska street in Warsaw at the time of Wanda's birth. Alternative name spelling: Bienental, Bienenthal. Convered to Calvinism in 1890, Warsaw. Died of typhus. According to Wanda's birth record Zofia was born abt. 1870.
Source: (1) Kalina's notes (2) Neofici Polscy – Teodor Joske-Choliński / ornatowski.com (3) Jewish Records Indexing / jri-poland.org (4) Jewish Gen / jewishgen.org
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