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Lelen née Pietruchowska, Władysława / Viola

house wife / pani domu
b: 1889 Zbroszki, Winnica, Mazovian Voivodeship, POLAND
d: 1960 New York, USA
[] 23/02/1960 New York, USA

oo Leleń, Konstanty / Constantine

Emigrated to NY, USA in 01/07/1913 on board of s.s. Gothland from Antwerp. Alternative name spellig: Piotruchowska, Petuskowsky, Pietrusewsky, Petrykowska, Petrykowski, Pietruckowska. DOB: 1891 according to the ship manifesto and 1892 to the Manhattan State Hospital. Last permanent residence before boarding the ship - Serock, POLAND.

Source: (1) Birth certificate from Archiwum Państwowe in Warsaw, record # 78 / metryki.genealodzy.pl (2) Find A Grave Index / findagrave.com (3) New York, New York City Municipal Deaths, 1795-1949 / familysearch.org (4) United States Census, 1920 / familysearch.org (5) New York Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924 / ellisisland.org

Father:Józef * Pietruchowski

Mother:Salomea / Salomeja * Pietruchowska née Kowalska

Siblings:Franciszka Łada née Pietruchowska

Antoni Pietruchowski

Franciszek Pietruchowski

Helena Cisak née Pietruchowska

Piotr Pietruchowski

Władysław Pietruchowski

Jakub / Jakób Pietruchowski

Antonina Jabłecka née Pietruchowska

Adam Pietruchowski

Stanisław Pietruchowski

Maria / Marianna * Piotrowska née Pietruchowska

Children:Mary Frick née Lelen

Regina Hempfling née Lelen

Helen Ellen Lelen

Henry Francis Lelen

Sigmund Lelen




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