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Dolewska née Salatycka, Felicja / Feliksa

b: 30/05/1888 Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Łódź Voivodeship, POLAND
d: 14/11/1972 or 1975 Warsaw, POLAND
[] 17/11/1972 or 1975 Warsaw, POLAND

oo Dolewski, Stefan

Death year differs in the obituaries index and cemetary records: 1972 and 1975. One of them is a typo. Burried at Cmentarz Bródzieński - 12E/3/26

Source: (1) Census records from Archiwum Państwowe in Poznań / szukajwarchiwach.pl via e-kartoteka.net (2) Warsaw Obituraies Index / nekrologi-baza.pl (3) Cemetary index / brodnowski.grobonet.com

Father:Jan Salatycki

Mother:Anna Salatycka née Gniewkowska

Siblings:Apolonia Pelagia Salatycka

Franciszka Boncler née Salatycka

Children:Tadeusz Stefan Dolewski

Zygmunt Dolewski

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