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Binental / Binenthal, Henryk / Haim
industrialist / przedsiębiorca
b: 03/01/1847 Góry Mokre, Przedbórz, Radomsko County, Łódź Voivodeship, POLAND
d: 20/09/1933 Warsaw, POLAND
oo 1873 Warsaw, POLAND Bienenthal née Góranowska / Guranowska, Franciszka
Burried at the Okopowa Street Jewish Cemetary in Warsaw. Owner of Gorzelnia Drożdżowa in Henryków, Białołęka, now part of Warsaw. Alternative name spelling: Bienental, Bienenthal. Also called Chaim.
Source: (1) Jewish Gen / jewishgen.org (2) Family tree / geni.com (3) Marriage certificate from Archiwum Państwowe in Warsaw, record # 71 / szukajwarchiwach.pl (4) Jewish Records Indexing / jri-poland.org (5) Spis zmarłych / nekrologi-baza.pl
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