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Wieczorkowska Dolewska née Nikutta, Ludwika

b: abt. 1848 Szczytno, POLAND (then PRUSSIA)
d: 1918 Warsaw, POLAND

oo I. 1875 Warsaw, POLAND Wieczorkowski, Antoni

oo II. 1900 Warsaw, POLAND Dolewski, Piotr

Alternative surname spelling: Nikut. Died in the poorhouse at the age of 70, widowed.

Source: (1) Marriage certificate from Archiwum Państwowe in Warsaw, record # 396 / metryki.genealodzy.pl (2) Death certificate from Archiwum Państwowe in Warsaw, record # 67 / metryki.genealodzy.pl (3) Marriages index / geneteka.genealodzy.pl

Father:Samuel Nikutta

Mother:Dorota Nikutta née Jasińska

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