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Piotrowski, Władysław *
b: 27/10/1887 Warsaw, POLAND
d: 07/08/1957 Warsaw, POLAND
oo I. abt. 1917 Piotrowska née Pietruchowska, Maria / Marianna *
oo II. 15/10/1934 Warsaw, POLAND Zdunek, Franciszka
Got married just after the revolution. He left tsar army where he served for 9 years. Birth record witness: Władysław Zięba / Ziemba, possibly Władysław Ziemba who was married to Konstancja Elijasik and had children (Stanisława & Franciszek) in the same parish. Godparents: Anna Gołaszewska & Władysław Ziemba as well. Władysław possibly had a brother or half brother Franciszek that was born a year ealier (1886) in the same parish (Wszystkich Świętych) to some Michalina Piotrowska - godparents: Julianna Szczepańska & Wojciech Sidorowski. Władysław grew up in an orphanage and rejected all contact attempts from his mother later in life.
Source: (1) Birth certificate from Archiwum Państwowe in Warsaw, record # 1485 / metryki.genealodzy.pl (2) Marriages index / geneteka.genealodzy.pl (3) Family notes
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