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Witt, Zdzisław Marian Sergiusz 'Zygfryd Wagner'
kapitan / captain, agent wywiadu / intelligence agent
b: 07/10/1897 Toruń (Thorn), POLAND (at the time PRUSSIA)
d: 1953 London, UK
o-o ...
Alternative surname spelling: Wit, de Witt, Dewitt.
Source: (1) Kontrwywiad II RP (1914) 1918–1945 (1948) / abw.gov.pl (2) Family tree / myheritage.com (3) Family tree / familysearch.org (4) Wiadomości POSK #67 2019 / posk.org (5) Death record - England and Wales Death Registration Index 1837-2007 / familysearch.org (6) The London Gazette 21 April 1950 / thegazette.co.uk, Photo: (1) Signature extracted from his father's death record
Created with the program AHNENBLATT (www.ahnenblatt.com).