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Musiałowicz vel Michałowicz, Jan
cechmistrz garbarzy i szewców / guildmaster of tanners and shoemakers
b: 1697 Wieluń, Łódzkie Voivodeship, POLAND
d: 16/04/1746 Wieluń, Łódzkie Voivodeship, POLAND
oo I. 1715 Wieluń, Łódzkie Voivodeship, POLAND Musiałowicz vel Michałowicz née Tatarska, Marianna
oo II. 1744 Wieluń, Łódzkie Voivodeship, POLAND Sroka Musiałowicz, Agnieszka
According to the death record, hee was 50 years old in 1746.
Source: (1) Death record - Poland, Częstochowa Roman Catholic Church Books, 1226-1950 / familysearch.org (2) Dagmara's notes
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